

Page history last edited by William G. Lewis 9 years, 1 month ago

Rowan College at Burlington County (RCBC)

Liberal Arts

English 101, College Composition I, 3 credits
Wednesday, 9:30-10:50A, Parker 145; Friday, 9:30-10:50A, Academic 206

William G. Lewis, Instructor

Office Hours:  By Appointment Only

E-mail:  wlewis@bcc.edu

Phone:  856-630-0993

Website:  williamglewis.pbworks.com


SECTION 1: Course Information 


Course Description:

This course develops skills in expository writing. It emphasizes the writing process, organization, methods of development, and diction. It requires a research essay using the MLA documentation format. 

Required Texts and other Materials:

Maimon, Elaine P., Janice H. Peritz, and Kathleen Blake Yancey. Writing Intensive, 2 ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2013.

Muller, Gilbert H., ed. The McGraw-Hill Reader: Issues across the Disciplines. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2013. Print.

Course Learning Outcomes
~ By the end of English 101, you should be able to:

                1.  Apply the writing process: invent, draft, revise and edit using the conventions of academic writing.  

                2. Analyze and synthesize textual evidence to produce academic writing with attribution. 

                3. Express thoughts logically, clearly and coherently in a variety of essays. 

                4. Compose an argumentative research essay using MLA format. 


General Education Outcomes:

Written and Oral Communication: Communication

* Students will logically and persuasively support their points of view or findings.

*Students will communicate meaningfully with a chosen audience while demonstrating critical thought.

*Students will conduct investigative research which demonstrates academic integrity, originality, depth of thought, and mastery of an approved style of source documentation


Society and Human Behavior: Social Science

*Students will demonstrate a general knowledge of political, social and economic concepts and systems and their effects on society.


Technological Competency or Information Literacy: Technology

*Students will demonstrate competency in office productivity tools appropriate to continuing their education.

* Students will use critical thinking skills for computer-based access, analysis, and presentation of information.

*Students will exhibit competency in library online database tools appropriate to accessing information in reference publications, periodicals and bibliographies.

*Students will demonstrate the skills required to find, evaluate, and apply information to solve a problem.


Global and Cultural Awareness: Diversity

* Students will be able to explain how communication and culture are interrelated.


Ethical Reasoning and Action

* Students will analyze and evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of different perspectives on an ethical issue or a situation.

Core Course Content:


Brief review of parts of speech

Fragments, comma splices, and fused sentences

Prepositional phrases, main clauses, and subordinate clauses

Comma rules

Semicolons and conjunctive adverbs, colons, hyphens, and apostrophes

Subject-verb agreement and consistent tenses

Pronoun usage and agreement



Brief review of the components of a body paragraph (topic sentence, supporting details, restated topic sentence/concluding sentence)

Components of an essay (introduction, body paragraphs, conclusion)

Creating specific and articulate theses

Supporting the central idea by using effective personal examples

Supporting the central idea by using textual evidence

Identifying subject, audience, and purpose

Creating unity via usage of transitional words and phrases, key terms etc.

Paraphrasing verses quoting and parenthetical citations (MLA)


The Reading/Writing connection

Annotating a text for understanding

Summarizing a text by identifying the main idea and key supporting details

Responding to a text via written and oral analysis

Identifying and discussing the writer’s purpose when reading texts

Identifying and discussing effective writing strategies by reading applicable texts

Collecting and synthesizing evidence from texts in order to write persuasive essays



Utilizing electronic databases to locate articles

Blending quotations into written analyses

Constructing correct Works Cited pages


SECTION 2: Course Information –


Course and Classroom Policies:

ATTENDANCE: The following Board-approved Attendance Policy will be enforced. Students are required to attend all class sessions for the full duration of each such instructional session. Grade penalties for absences will be imposed when a student exceeds a ten-percent absence rate (in the case of 15-week English 101 courses, starting with the third absence). The policy can be accessed at http://my.bcc.edu/PDFFiles/Human%20Resources/Policy%20No%20206%20Academic%20Attendance%20Policy%2006


COMMUNICATION: Students are responsible for communicating with instructors within 48 hours following a missed class to make arrangements for the completion of course requirements not completed due to absence. If a student does not communicate within 48 hours as stated above, the student forfeits his or her right to receive the missed work, and such assignment grades will be entered as zeroes.


PLAGIARISM (see Academic Integrity Policy, below)will not be tolerated under any circumstances. Be aware that plagiarism includes (but is not limited to) copying someone else’s words without crediting the source; paraphrasing someone else’s words without crediting the source; using someone else’s ideas without crediting the source (even if rephrased in your own words); using facts not universally known which are obtained from a source without crediting the source; asking someone else to write your paper, either in whole or in part; or obtaining a paper or portion thereof by any means and submitting it as an original document. The penalty for plagiarism is failure of the assignment and potentially failure of the course (at the instructor’s discretion), and it may result in suspension or expulsion from the College (at the discretion of the Student Affairs Committee)..

 Assessment Methods:

Participation and Attendance: 10%

Homework (10 Critical Response Papers): 20%

Expository Writing: 20%

Final Research Document: 30%

Final Examination: 20%


Criteria for meeting grade determination are as follows:


A: Meeting course goals by demonstrating perceptive understanding of readings and course concepts; excellence and originality in compositions; superior scores on exams and other assigned work; active participation in class discussion and small groups; and compliance with attendance and assignment requirements.


B+/B: Meeting course goals by demonstrating mastery of subject and concepts; above average quality in compositions and exams; good participation in class and small groups; and compliance with attendance and assignment requirements.


C+/C: Meeting course goals by demonstrating a satisfactory level of understanding of subject material and concepts; acceptable quality in compositions and exams; adequate participation in class and small groups; and compliance with attendance and assignment requirements.


D: Not meeting all of the course goals; minimal knowledge of subject material and concepts; marginal quality in compositions (poor quality of development, support, or grammar); poor performance on exams; passivity in class and small groups; non-compliance with attendance and assignment requirements.


F: Not meeting course goals; unsatisfactory progress in understanding and applying subject material and concepts; incomplete or unacceptable work in compositions (gross grammatical, developmental, and structural errors); failure of exams; non-compliance of attendance and assignment requirements.


SECTION 3: College Information


College Policies:
In order for students to know their rights and responsibilities, all students are expected to review and adhere to all regulations and policies as listed in the College Catalog and Handbook.  These documents can be accessed at
http://www.bcc.edu/academic-resources.   Important policies and regulations include, but are not limited, to the following:  

  • College Attendance Policy
  • Grading Standards
    • Withdraw (W) and Incomplete Grades (I & X)
    • Withdrawal date for this semester
  • Student Code of Conduct
    • Academic Dishonesty/Plagiarism and Civility
  •  Use of Communication and Information Technology

 Office of Student Support and Disability Services:  RCBC welcomes students with disabilities into the college’s educational programs. Access to accommodations and support services for students with learning and other disabilities is facilitated by staff in the Office of Student Support (OSS).  To receive accommodations, a student must contact the OSS, self-identify as having a disability, provide appropriate documentation, and participate in an intake appointment. If the documentation supports the request for reasonable accommodations, the OSS will provide the student with an Accommodation Plan to give to instructors.  For additional information, please contact the Office of Student Support at 609-894-9311, ext. 1208, disabilityservices@bcc.edu, or http://www.bcc.edu/studentsupport.



Academic Integrity Policy:

The following Board-approved Academic Integrity Policy will be enforced. Board definitions of cheating, fabrication or other misconduct in research, plagiarism, and facilitating academic dishonesty will be de determined according to the discretion of the instructor. Students found guilty of more than two offenses should expect to receive sanctions of disciplinary probation, suspension, or dismissal, depending upon severity of said offenses. Students have within five working days to appeal any sanction to the Chief Academic Officer of the College, or his/her appointed designee. The policy can be accessed at http://my.bcc.edu/PDFFiles/Human%20Resources/Policy%20No%20903-C%20Academic%20Integrity%20061714.pdf

Educational Technology Statement:

Rowan College at Burlington County (RCBC) advocates the use of technology to enhance instruction. Students should assume that classroom and online technology will be used throughout their coursework at RCBC, as it will most certainly be used in their future education and careers.  The College provides on-campus facilities for the convenience of the RCBC community.  Various college departments, including the Office of Information Technology and the Office of Distance Education, provide technology training and assistance to faculty and students.

 Student Success Services:
RCBC offers a variety of free services for its students including those listed below. Descriptions of these services, as well as many others, can be found in the College Catalog and Handbook and on the RCBC website at http://www.bcc.edu/pages/109.asp.



Course Outline

Note:  The course outline is tentative and subject to change with notification. 

You must have readings done by the date they appear on the outline and the page numbers in The McGraw-Hill Reader are next to the assigned reading.  Ex. “Hiroshima” is on pages 7-13 and must be read by 8/30.

If the page numbers have WI in front of them, then the reading is in Writing Intensive.


Week 1:  9/2, 9/4

Wednesday:  Handout Syllabus and Course Outline.

                        Introduction to the course


                        How to read the course outline 


Friday:  Discuss Essay 1


                 Reading and Responding to Texts (2-30)

                 John Berger, “Hiroshima” (7-13)

                 Robin Tolmach Lakoff, “From Ancient Greece to Iraq, the Power of Words in Wartime”


                 Mortimer J. Adler, “How to Mark a Book” (16-20)

                 Nicholas Carr, “Does the Internet Make You Smarter or Dumber” (21-24)



Week 2:  9/9, 9/11

Wednesday:  Deborah Tannen, “Sex, Lies, and Conversation:  Why Is It So Hard for Men and Women

                              to Talk to Each Other” (117-122)

                        Fatema Mernissi, “Digital Scheherazades in the Arab World” (267-275)

                        Virginia Woolf, “Professions for Women” (376-380) 


Friday:  MLA format:  Parenthetical cites (773-779) 

               MLA format:  Works Cited page (780-790)



Week 3:  9/16, 9/18

Wednesday:  Anna Quindlen, “Sex Ed” (198-199)

                        Andrew Sullivan, “Why Gay Marriage Is Good for Straight America” (252-256)

                        Lisa Miller, “Our Mutual Joy:  The Religious case for Gay Marriage” (569-575)


Friday:  Essay 1 Due

               Discuss Essay 2

               Critical Writing:  Process and Communication (64-70)

               Peter Elbow, “Freewriting” (105-107)

               Steve Martin, “Writing Is Easy” (114-116)

               Subject-Verb Agreement


Week 4:  9/23, 9/25

Wednesday:  Process Analysis

                        Chrystia Freeland, “The Rich Are Different from You and Me” (51-52)

                        Barbara Ehrenreich, “Nickel and Dimed” (395-402)

                        Robert Reich, “Why the Rich are Getting Richer and the Poor, Poorer” (404-415)


Friday:  George Packer, “The Broken Contract:  Inequality and American Decline” (53-61)

               Paul Krugman, “The Death of Horatio Alger” (387-390)

               Pronoun agreement


Week 5:  9/30, 10/2

Wednesday:  Grade student essays

                        Drafting (71-87)

                        Donald M. Murphy, “The Maker’s Eye: Revising Your Own Manuscripts” (109-112)

                        George Orwell, “Politics and the English Language” (123-133)




Week 6:  10/7, 10/9

Wednesday:  Rough Draft of Essay 2 due

               Revising (87-89)

               Using Italics


Friday:  Paul Krugman, “We Are the 99.9 Percent” (44-46)

                        Henry Louis Gates Jr., “Forty Acres and a Gap in Wealth” (47-50)


Week 7:  10/14, 10/16

Wednesday:  Essay 2 due

               Compare and Contrast

               Frederick Douglass, “Learning to Read and Write” (184-188)

               Richard Rodriguez, “The Lonely, Good Company of Books” (189-193)

               Misplaced and dangling modifiers


Friday:  Dealing with timed essays


Week 8:  10/21, 10/23

Wednesday:  Midterm Essay (in-class)


Friday:  Discuss Essay 3

                        Stephen King, “My Creature from the Black Lagoon” (444-450)

                        Gloria Steinem, “Wonder Woman” (455-462)

                        Deborah Ross, “Escape from Wonderland:  Disney and the Female Imagination” (471-482)

                        Semicolons and Colons 



Week 9:  10/28, 10/30

Wednesday:   Discuss Research Paper

                         Writing a Research Project (750-772)

                        A Research Project Casebook:  Working with Sources across Media (791-823)



Friday: Eudora Welty, “One Writer’s Beginnings” (490-495)

               Patricia Hampl, “The Dark Art of Description” (516-523)

               Alice Walker, “Saving the Life That Is Your Own:  The Importance of Models in the

                    Artist’s Life” (535-541)


Week 10:  11/4, 11/6

Wednesday:  Research Paper Proposal Due  


                        Sherman Alexie, “Superman and Me” (496-498)

                        Sean McCloud, “Understanding Comics” (503-509)

                        Paul Bloom, “The Pleasures of Imagination” (577-582)


Friday: Essay 3 Due

             Langston Hughes, “Salvation” (548-550)

               Robert Coles, “I Listen to My Parents and I Wonder What They Believe” (560-564)

               Karen Armstrong, “What’s God Got to Do with It?” (565-568)


Week 11:  11/11, 11/13

Wednesday:  Annotated Bibliography Due

                        Inductive and Deductive reasoning

                        Marjane Satrapi, “The Veil” (551-558)

                        Salman Rushdie, “Not about Islam?” (587-589)


Friday:  Discuss Oral Presentation:  Rubric

                  Jonathan Swift, “A Modest Proposal” (417-423)


Week 12:  11/18, 11/20

Wednesday:  Rough draft of Research Paper Due 

                        Peer Review


Friday:  Plato, “The Myth of the Cave” (583-586)


Week 13:  11/25, 11/27





Week 14:  12/1, 12/3

Wednesday:  Thomas Jefferson, “The Declaration of Independence” (326-329)


Friday:  Research Paper Due

               Martin Luther King Jr., “I Have a Dream” (330-333) 


Week 15:  12/8, 12/10

Wednesday:  Oral Presentations:  Rubric


Friday:  Oral Presentations 


FINAL EXAM:  12/18, 10:00 am - 11:50 am


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